Sermons from August 2016

Paradox of Forgiveness

“There must be a paradox for you to become a Christian… because no one can change a spirit in a man and give him a new birth outside of God. Your mom and daddy can’t do it. Your grandpa and your grandma can’t do it. You can’t even do it yourself. You’ve got to depend on Almighty God, and when you accept His Word, that’s what gives you that new birth, that’s what gives you the Holy Ghost – is to accept God… and it’s a miracle how that God can take a man’s thinking and his ways and his life and everything, and change it from what he was to what he can be.”

The Bride’s Strong Tower

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it and is safe. And I believe there’s no other group of people that are so righteous, because they possess the righteousness of Him. Amen? And it is not any human righteousness, it’s not just a matter of religious righteousness, high-morality or something, but this is His own righteousness.”

Prayer Service

“That is where I want us to get to this evening. That despite Job’s condition, despite his problems, despite his heartache, Job worshiped the Lord. And the Bible said that Job did not charge God foolishly. Job was not quick to say ‘Why has God done this to me,’ because Job knew that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. “
